So one day when I was really bored in my modern philosophy class, a not infrequent occurrence, I wrote a poem using only Kantian terminology which I found, and still find, to be ridiculous. I presented it as a token of my affection to my TA at the time. She said I used all the terms properly, which I took as a victory. I present it to you now because it’s my blog and why not? Depending on the response, more ridiculous poetry might follow. I have a classic one about neutering a dog and another about ties. My college years were fecund with creative rapture. Also, I had an intro to poetry writing class.
The Love Song of Immanuel Kant
The a priori concepts
which allow
Intuitions of your
to be given to me
through sensibility
are more precious to me
than all
Other conceptions
of Metaphysical Reality.
I (taken as the thinking self)
would give up all other
a posteriori intuitions
for the possibility
a mere empirical
apperception of